Friday 3 March 2017

Seven Anti-Aging Foods That Make You Look Younger Than Your Real Physical Age

Is it only genes that make some people look younger than their real physical age? Studies have shown that the world's longest-living communities are remarkably similar in two aspects: they eat mostly plant-based foods and they look younger than their real physical age.

If this is true, it makes sense to include these plant-based, anti-aging foods in our diet to make us look younger; delay the effects of aging; improve our skin elasticity; and stave off wrinkles.

What are these anti-aging foods? These are natural foods rich in selenium and powerful antioxidants such as Vitamins C and E.

Here is a list of seven anti-aging foods to help you look younger than your real physical age:

1) Avocados

Avocados are nature's best moisturizers.

Avocados are loaded with anti-aging nutrients such as Vitamin C and E, and Omega 3 fatty acids. Though a medium-size avocado has 30 grams of fat, all of it is healthy monosaturated fats that lower cholesterol and protect the heart.

Want to look younger? Eat an avocado a day to stave off wrinkles and keep your skin looking soft and supple.

2) Cucumber

Whether you eat it as a cucumber salad or make it into a cucumber cleanser, cucumbers are an excellent anti-aging food for improving tired, dehydrated skin. This reason is cucumbers are high in water content and contains high amounts of silica, a necessary mineral for smooth and glowing skin.

3) Lemons

Lemons are a Vitamin C powerhouse, an antioxidant vital for healthy skin and gums. One medium size lemon contains more than 45% of the daily recommended intake of Vitamin C. Lemons are the body's natural internal cleanser which aids digestion and clears toxins; leaving our skin clear and radiant.

Wake up in the morning to a glass of lemon juice or lemon water will help cleanse your skin and make you look younger.

4) Almonds

Almonds are an anti-aging food that is excellent for healthy skin, hair and nails because of their high content of Vitamin E.

The body needs Vitamin E to protect the cells from the onslaught of free radicals generated by air pollution, peroxides and ultra violet rays.

Eat ten to a dozen almonds a day. A quarter cup of almonds a day provides about 45% of the daily-recommended intake of Vitamin E.

5) Sunflower Seeds

Sunflower seeds are a remarkable anti-aging food and a Vitamin E and selenium powerhouse with very effective youth-enhancing qualities.

Eat a handful of sunflower seeds a day will help you look younger, stave off wrinkles and improve skin elasticity. In fact, a quarter cup of sunflower seeds will provide nearly 91% of the recommended daily intake of Vitamin E!

6) Brazil Nuts

Brazil nuts are a very rich source of selenium, a mineral that works very well with Vitamin E to stop oxidative stress and cell damage caused by free radicals; thus, slowing down the aging process.

Eat Brazil nuts are a powerful anti-aging food which must be eaten in moderation because of its high fat content. Eating just two Brazil nuts a day will provide you with enough selenium for younger skin and a younger you.

7) Blueberries

Look younger by eating one to two cups of blueberries a day for your daily 'dose' of anthocyanin, an anti-aging antioxidant that increases the potency of Vitamin C, one of nature's best moisturizers and a collagen-stimulating nutrient for the skin.


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