Thursday 10 August 2017

The Worst Foods That Make You Gain Weight

In your quest for responsible weight loss, knowing what to eat and what not to eat are essential. Aside from physical activity, diet is the second most important thing. In the previous post, I discussed the top foods for weight loss. I also promised that I would let you know the worst foods that make you gain weight.

The list of food below are terrible for two reasons, they have very little or no nutritional value and they are high calorie. Without further delay, here are the worst foods that make you gain weight with an explanation of why they are not good.

Worst Food #1- Avoid any processed foods. There are chemical and preservatives, which the body considers foreign. In many cases, the preservatives are not broken down in your digestive system and actually throws it out of whack.

Worst Food #2 - Refined sugar. This is not to say that you can't have a slice of pie or candy. But be aware that for the same amount of calories, you could eat a much larger quantity of "non- junk food" that actually gives your body more than just a short sugar rush.

Worst Food #3 - Stay away from foods with high sodium content. It doesn't matter if its pizza, pudding, or a steak dinner. Be watchful of any food with a lot of sodium because not only does it swell up the size of the fat cells and it makes you retain water. Not to mention, a high sodium diet also increases your chances of developing high blood pressure.

Worst Food #4 - These next few are certainly no surprise to most of you. High fructose corn syrup, trans-fat and hydrogenated oils. You also want to avoid saturated fats as well. The high fructose corn syrup, trans- fat and hydrogenated oils throw your metabolic system into chaos and can cause you to actually feel hungrier, making you eat more. Saturated fats clogs up your arteries and are total waist busters.

Worst Food #5 - Avoid full fat foods and drinks such as bacon and whole milk. They are loaded with saturated fat and needless calories. Find substitutes for these traditionally high fat foods like turkey bacon, low-fat cheeses or low-fat milk.

Worst Food #6 - Limit your intake of salad dressing and sauces. They are full of useless calories, not to mention that they are loaded with salt and sugars. If you have to have condiments, make sure they are served on the side and not plopped on your food.

Worst Food#7 - Stay away from white flour products because they are refined carbohydrates. They are just another form of sugar. So when you eat them, they will only serve to skyrocket your insulin levels, which leaves you craving for more sugar when you crash. Avoid this endless cycle like the plague.

Worst Food #8 - Anything fried is simply not good. There's tons of fat and breading. A potato, chicken or a zucchini can be just as bad as a red velvet cake if you throw it in the fryer. Enough said on that one.

Worst Food #9 - Alcohol and soft drinks. Aside from giving you a quick flavor thrill and maybe a buzz, it is best to limit these as well. Beer especially is full of calories, fat and carbs and soft drinks are high sugar and high on calories. A special note be careful with diet sodas and fruit juices. In regards to diet sodas, the artificial sweeteners have been known to spike hunger cravings. Fruit juices for the most part tend to be high in sugar and carbs. If you have time, get a juicer and make your own juice or just eat the piece of fruit.

Well, there you have it, the worst foods that make you gain weight. Perhaps, all of these you may have know these. But if you are actually serious about losing weight, it is important that you take this knowledge and apply it to your daily life.

Be healthy and have a fantastic day.


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