Monday 20 March 2017

How to Burn More Calories in Less Time

The key to losing weight and burning fat is to burn more calories than you consume. Although it sounds simple, unfortunately it isn't always as easy as x-y=z. The truth is that there are a lot of biochemical issues that factor in to how difficult it can be for some people to lose weight. Take for instance people that starve themselves or skip meals often. These people have forced their body into a conservation mode, where it will keep everything it gets because it is never sure of the next fuel source. However, on the inverse of that, people that eat 3-5 small meals per day are able to burn fat much easier because they keep their metabolism at a high rate all day long. This leads to decreased fat stores and a better looking body.

So what does this mean to you? Well the first thing that you need to do if you want to lose weight is to examine your dietary habits. You've got to give your body a constant fuel source throughout the day or it will start to hold on to your fat with an iron grip. You've also got to make sure that you aren't doing any late-night gorging or eating too much junk food. This can be a body killer on its own, so make sure you eat what you know to be healthy.

In terms of exercise, my favorite method of burning fat and getting in shape is called high intensity interval training (HIIT) and it consists of short (60 seconds or so) intervals of intense exercise, followed by short intervals (again, 60 seconds) of moderate exercise. This routine will get your body in the habit of burning calories in short periods of time, which will not only teach it how to find energy more efficiently (fat), but will also improve your overall health and fitness level very quickly. The science behind this method is solid too, as research has proven that 20 minute of intense exercise can burn the same amount of calories as an hour of moderate exercise. Now, if you only had to work out 20 minutes a day, even if it was intense, do you think you could do it if it meant a better looking body?

The great thing about high intensity training is that you can use it for nearly any type of exercise. You can use it in a manner similar to circuit training. Regardless of how you use it, the most important thing is to go all out for 60 seconds. It might hurt, and it might make you winded, but it will work! If you just do 20 minutes of moderate exercise and stop cycling through intensity levels, then you are going to be in worse shape then the person doing 60 minutes of cardio. So don't let that happen to you. Simply follow the methods here, and you will be well on your way to a tighter body and a lean Hollywood look.


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