Sunday 9 April 2017

You Must Avoid White Starchy Foods To Lose Weight

Thanks to modern food technology, foods like the defunct Hostess Twinkies can stay on the shelf for longer periods of time. In fact, some food products are so packed with preservatives that you'd swear they will outlast the next Ice Age.

Seriously. Modern foods are the product of lots of high-tech wizardry and tinkering. I am not so sure these developments are all good. Take, for example, the case of starchy foods. Since these foods, in their natural form, contain a lot of fiber, they don't last too long on the shelf. Enter modern food technology and these foods now last a long time in storage. How come? Most of their fiber and nutrients have been stripped off. In fact, modern commercial flour has had so much of its nutrients ripped out through mechanical processes that flour millers are compelled to 'enrich' their flours by putting some nutrients back in. Otherwise, modern flour is an empty food with very little nutritional value. Regardless of these efforts by the food industry, if you want to truly lose weight, you have to avoid white starchy foods. Here the major reasons why you should drop the white ultra-processed food diet.

Body burns sugar not fat

If you eat a lot of carbohydrate-rich foods, the main form of energy your body will use is the sugar in the starchy foods. Instead of burning stored energy in the form of fat, your body will burn sugar. If that isn't bad enough, any left over energy in your system which your metabolism can't burn up will get stored in the form of-you guessed it-fat!

Tastes good so you eat more

Let's face it-starchy food tastes great. With enough sugar and grease, starchy foods can be quite heavenly. The problem is they pack quite a bit of calories. Carbohydrate-rich foods also boost your brain's serotonin levels so it is quite easy to get addicted to starchy foods or sugar or both. Of course, the more you eat of these foods, the bigger you get.

Little nutritional value

As mentioned above, modern food processing has stripped much of the nutritional value of starchy foods. You get lots of empty calories and little to no vitamins and other nutrients. Definitely a dietary bum deal.

Go for complex carbohydrates rather than simple carbohydrates because they have more fiber and will not spike your blood sugar levels. Sugar is a very calorie dense food. There's a lot more calories in a gram of sugar than in many other foods in their natural state. If you want to gain a lot of weight, you need to eat a lot of food that are sugary like donuts, cake, pastries, and so on and so forth. If you want to minimize your calorie intake, then you need to deprive yourself of your sweet tooth and focus more on high fibre and high fibre foods.


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