Sunday 16 April 2017

Diets For Quick Weight Loss - Eat a Lot and Never Get Fat!

Diets for quick weight loss - you are probably searching for this a number of times so that it is already the top search in your engine. Well, fret no more, please continue reading this article and find out for yourself an effective weight loss diet that could work wonders for you.

Oh, are you intrigued by the subtitle? Diets for a quick weight loss - 'Eat a lot and never get fat' - now how's that? Maybe you have tried some crash diets. Did it work? Did it work for good? Probably not, that is why you are here again, aren't you? Crash diets really are do not work long time. If you are a professional model or actress who would want to cut weight then it will work for you the day that you need it, but it will not stay for good. What is worse is you would probably gain more weight after that kind of diet. Worst, your health might probably be at risk.

Diets for quick weight loss does not mean starve to death. It means eat the right food for you to lose weight and get back in shape. It also entails that you must eat a lot of these foods to stay in shape. Why? It is all about metabolism. Here is a quickie overview - if you starve then your body would slow down its metabolism for you to survive. It means that if you are on an empty stomach your body will not burn the calories that much but it will just conserve it, so your weight stays the same. Increase your metabolism and your body will burn more calories.

"Diets for quick weight loss'" top on the list is the 'low carbohydrate high protein diet.' Carbs make you fat if unburned. That is for sure. Carbs turn into sugar and make your body fat if you do not burn those unused calories. So cut your intake of carbohydrates. If you are thinking you can not live without carb, then you lose the fight against being fat.

Diets for quick weight loss do not mean cutting a hundred percent on foods to be avoided. It just means to cut down a certain percentage of those to be avoided. In a low carb high protein diet you have to lessen your intake by twenty percent (20%) of the following: rice, corn, wheat, flour-based products like bread, potatoes, pastas, pizzas, soft drinks, pastries, and sweets to name a few. Cut down on those starchy fruits too like banana, mangoes, and the like.

Stock up on meat: pork, beef, and chicken. Sea foods are great! Fill yourself up with green vegetables. In cases you do feel empty, snack on green veggies or fresh fruits and fruit shakes.


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