Saturday 18 March 2017

Royal Jelly To Boost Your Health

Royal jelly is a nutritional food secreted by worker bees in a beehive. The substance is usually fed to all colony larvae. However, when there is a need for a new queen bee, a group of the larvae are fed large quantities of the jelly. This exclusive feeding of royal jelly is what turns the normal bees into queen bees with a longer life expectancy compared to the worker bees. The queen bees are also much larger and end up laying thousands of eggs daily. In essence, this jelly variety can also be as beneficial to humans and luckily it is now available in supplement form. You can now easily boost your health using royal jelly supplements.

The Benefits of Royal Jelly

Controls cholesterol - Research conducted on volunteers prove that eating this jelly variety greatly decreases low density lipoprotein and total cholesterol without harming the levels of good cholesterol in anyway. The supplement can be a better natural option of keeping cholesterol levels down.

Prevents osteoporosis and bone loss - Studies have also shown that it prevents osteoporosis through the enhancement of intestinal calcium absorption. The enhanced absorption of calcium then makes it possible for the same to be deposited to the bone structure also preventing bone loss.

Protects from cancer - This jelly has a way of fighting cancer through the inhibition of blood supply to tumors. It works by suppressing the effects of blood vessel formations hence easily fighting cancers especially breast cancer. A daily dose of the royal jelly supplement can protect you from cancer.

Acts as an anti-inflammatory - Considering that chronic inflammation can be the cause of heart disease as well as other degenerative diseases including arthritis and Alzheimer's, royal jelly stands to be very helpful. Tests on pro-inflammatory cytokines like IL-1, TNF-alpha and IL-6 ended up suppressing inflammatory compounds. Those with a history of Alzheimer's disease and heart disease will find the royal jelly very helpful in keeping these diseases under control.

Promotes healing - The jelly has minerals and vitamins including zinc, acetyl-choline, Vitamins B3, B2, B1, B6 and B5. They are all good for the skin and the acids contained in the jelly enhance the production of collagen thus leading to a glowing healthy skin. It shortens healing through skin renewal by nucleic acid, flavonoids, hormones and enzymes that it contains. The use of fresh royal jelly powder or supplements daily will optimize skin health.

Improves blood pressure and blood sugar - This is another one of the benefits. It decreases blood vessel constriction and this leads to lower systolic blood pressure and also reduces the insulin triglyceride levels. It can therefore be used as a functional food in the prevention of insulin resistance and blood pressure.

Protects the liver - The liver is exposed to lots of toxins from different things, including water taps and different kinds of drugs. This is one of the most important organs considering that everything that is ingested must pass through it for filtration. There is therefore a need to keep the liver healthy and clean. Royal jelly offers protective effects by flushing out the toxins.
The royal jelly supplement has many more health benefits and can therefore be a great addition to any good daily diet.


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