Sunday 12 February 2017

Heartburn at Night? Get Rapid Relief With These Tips

If you suffer heartburn at night you are not alone, 80% of heartburn sufferers report that night-time is the most common time for an attack. If you are waking with a bitter taste in your mouth, burning in your chest and with a sore throat and cough you need to take action. Heartburn at night robs you of the deep sleep that rejuvenates your body so you are probably waking in the morning feeling fatigued. Try these tips tonight to start fighting back and relieving your acid reflux.

Tips about Your Food and Drink

Acidic foods such as oranges, lemons, tomatoes and vinegar increase your stomach acidity. Try to cut back on these foods.
Spicy foods can also produce acid. Avoid spices such as chillies or curry.
Oils and fats force your stomach to produce acid. Go for lean meats and avoid greasy foods and those that are highly processed.
Chocolate and alcohol can relax the valve that separates your stomach and oesophagus. Experiment by cutting out foods until you find your triggers.
If you fill your stomach with gas from beer or sodas you will create pressure and push acid out of the stomach. Try to always choose still drinks
Large meals will stretch your stomach and create pressure. Try to eat 5 small meals rather than 3 large ones.

Tips about Your Style of Eating

Make use of gravity by letting it settle your food before you lie down. This means sitting up for at least two hours after eating.
If you eat rapidly you are not chewing properly and you are putting strain on your stomach. Slow down by putting your fork down between each mouthful.
Does your lifestyle mean you often work late and grab late night fast food? This is really bad for digestion. Try taking a proper lunch break and make this your main meal for the day.
Eating at your desk will actually make you less productive and taking proper breaks will also avoid indigestion

Tips about Lifestyle

Tight clothes or belts can press on your stomach and force acid out. Try to keep you waist-band loose.
If you have a few extra pounds around you middle you will place strain on your stomach. Losing even a small amount of weight can have a big benefit
Take time out to keep relaxed. A few minutes of calm deep breathing can reduce your stress levels and lower your stomach acidity.
Antacids are only good for occasional use. If you are taking them regularly you need to tackle the root causes of your acid reflux.
Stomach acid is needed to digest food, but it needs to be kept in the stomach. Chewing gum can help produce saliva which will flush the acid back where it belongs
Keeping a food diary will help you identify the foods that trigger your acid problem.
If you suffer heartburn after exercising drink plenty of water to keep hydrated and dilute any acid that escapes
Let your stomach digest food by waiting for a couple of hours after eating before doing any very physical exercise.
Having said that a gentle stroll after a meal can aid digestion.
Acid Reflux is just one of a long list of complaints made worse by smoking. The nicotine relaxes the oesophageal sphincter and strips you oesophagus of protection. The only real answer is to give up completely
If you notice night heartburn while taking prescription medicines discuss the side effects with your doctor. There may be an alternative.
Raising the head of your bed on 6 inch block can help you to keep the acid in your stomach
Bending at the waist will restrict your stomach its better for your acid reflux (and your back) to bend the knees
If you have wind you need to let it out. If this could be socially embarrassing then go to the bathroom, but let it out whenever you can!

So there you have it 24 tips that have been tried and tested for years and proven to bring relief.


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