Monday 2 January 2017

Detoxification - Solving Our Intestinal Problems

We know increasingly more about intestinal problems and they are also recognised as such much more frequently nowadays. The latter is particularly important as the problems we experience in our colon and small intestine were often ignored or treated as only minor annoyances in the past.
We now know that everything begins and finishes in your colon and small intestine and once you know that you will not take your intestinal problems lightly or ignore them altogether. Let us be real, you do not want to joke around with intestinal cramps.
The only situation where you are allowed to think it will not be anything serious is when you know what is going on in your intestines and why this ingenious strand can cause you such problems. If you have just completed a detoxification cure or colon cleanse, you feel healthy and revitalised, you can ignore minor discomforts (just as long as they are indeed minor, and do not last for an extended period of time).
Just keep in mind the fact that everything you eat, is carried off to the colon and lower intestine. It only reaches the factory that is your body afterwards and from there it goes on to the different parts of your body. Our body absorbs all of the nutrients it needs for the proper functioning of the organs, the blood and the muscles from the colon and small intestine. Once you realise that, you will stop ignoring what goes on inside your body.

You should always consider the fact that whenever you eat something, it will have to be processed in your body. If our body and our intestines have not been cleansed properly, our food will not be processed properly by and in our body. This is when toxins build up in our system. Too many toxins and your body will not be able to handle them anymore. Once this happens, you may want to consider a period of detoxification or a colon cleansing treatment.
Eating too much fatty foods clogs our blood vessels and fills our stomach with gas. This means that harmful substances are released that can poison our entire digestive system, causing a large number of diseases, amongst others:
  • Rheumatism
  • Heart diseases
  • Diabetes
  • Strokes

These are just a few examples.
A good place to start that will solve many of our problems is to replace all hidden and real sugar with biologically real food that helps us to be healthy and remain healthy. Physical exercise and taking in sufficient amounts of clean water will also put you on the right track.
First and foremost, make sure your colon and lower intestine are clean. Proper detoxification and deacidification will ensure your body cannot get sick. Once you have done all this, you will feel healthy, you will feel good about your self and you will have found your natural balance.
Remember you depend on your body like you do on your best friend. If you do not take care of your good friend, your buddy, he or she will not want to have anything to do with you anymore after having drawn your attention time and again to a certain problem.
The same goes for your body. If you take proper care of it, your body will pay you back in kind. You will:

  • Feel good
  • Have the energy to do all sorts of fun activities
  • Sleep well
  • Have more energy

And most of all, your colon and lower intestine will function properly:
  • No constipation
  • No blocking
  • Less or no muscle aches
  • No more or fewer migraine attacks

Proper functioning of the colon and the small intestine means you will use the toilet once a day. In fact, once you have finished a meal, you should want to use the toilet. If this is the case, you probably have a very efficient metabolism. That is, if your faeces look healthy. This is very important. The ideal situation would be if you did not need any tissue or toilet paper at all to clean your buttocks after a bowel movement.
Once you do and feel as mentioned above you can say you are doing alright by your body and your body will give you what you deserve.


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