Sunday 8 January 2017

Avoid Trans-Fats and Lose Pounds Fast

What are trans-fats and why is it important we avoid them if we want to lose pounds fast? In order to make trans-fats, normally healthy vegetable oils, such as corn oil or soybean oil are chemically changed into what is known as partially hydrogenated oils. These man-made oils are then used widely in the food industry as substitutes for saturated fats. There are some naturally occurring trans-fats found in meat and dairy produce but these are at such low levels compared to the levels of the man-made variety as to be insignificant.
These trans-fats, or artificial unsaturated fats are found in baked goods, fried foods, margarines and pastries and all manner of other food items. Their primary use is to extend shelf life; after all it makes a product more economic if it can sit on the shelf for a few weeks rather than a few days. They are also a cheap alternative to natural saturated fats. This does not mean we should all switch back to a diet full of natural saturated fats because the intake of all fats should be kept to a minimum. However there is evidence that artificially produced fats do more harm than naturally occurring saturated fats because our bodies are not designed to cope with them.

The reason these fats are bad for our bodies is that they increase the risks of developing coronary heart disease, they raise the bad LDL type of cholesterol in our blood while simultaneously lowering the HDL or good type of cholesterol.
The health risk from trans-fats was very low when we were only exposed to the natural varieties. Now that we have so many processed and pre-packaged foods this risk has risen substantially and is a significant health risk factor of which we should all be aware.
There have been links found between trans-fats and Cancer, Alzheimer's, infertility, diabetes, liver dysfunction and obesity. Regarding obesity, the harmful effects are quite conspicuous. If you eat a diet containing these harmful fats you are more likely to gain weight even if you eat the same number of calories as in a diet containing no trans-fats. This surely is a very concerning thought and should cause everyone to sit up and take note of what they are putting into their bodies.
It's good to hear that some countries are choosing to do something about this problem. Denmark and Switzerland have imposed bans on trans-fats with several others following. Congress in the USA has, since 2006, required products containing trans-fats to provide appropriate labelling and there are some further restrictions in some states.

If this is such an important issue how can we make sure we stop eating trans-fats? According to the American Heart Foundation, if we reduce our intake of trans-fats to between 5 and 8 teaspoons per day then it's unlikely we'll come to much harm. This is good news if you're trying to lose pounds fast because if you are following a healthy diet then getting down to these levels should be very easy, so long as you keep an eye on food labelling.


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