Sunday 6 November 2016

How to Be an Active Parent

When you think about active parenting, you may already think you are pretty active. You probably have all sorts of extracurricular activities going on and you know you have to cook dinner, do laundry and keep a roof over your child's head. These are all very active things that you do, but active parenting goes much deeper than this.
Parenting does take a lot of energy, but active parenting picks up where all your daily duties leave off. Active parenting involves instilling values and morals into your child as they grow up. An active parent in heavily involved in helping their children learn life skills and survival. They also focus on:
o Courage
o Responsibility
o Cooperation and
o Self-Esteem
Courage is a unique value that many parents may not think about on a regular basis. If children have courage they are able to keep trying to do succeed and even if they fail, they will be willing to keep trying. Courage gives children the motivation to keep trying. This is a very important component that all children should have in their characters.
Self-esteem and responsibility often go hand in hand. Responsibility is important and parents who act as leaders are able to encourage responsibility in their children. Active parents will ensure that their children know what they are responsible for and what happens if they fail not to take care of those responsibilities.
Cooperation is also very important. Children who are able to cooperate will grow up to be children and adults who can work in teams. Teamwork is vitally important in today's society and it is a characteristic that is highly sought by employers. By starting early in an active parenting program, you will be able to ensure that your children are able to cooperate and be good team members later in life.
The most important characteristic of an active parent is that they are there to parent their children. Life throws a variety of different challenges at parents in addition to the challenge of parenting. The amount of time that you spend with your children is not always what we would like it to be, but if you are able to make the most out of your time with your children you will see that an active parenting approach will pay off in the long run.


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