Wednesday 5 October 2016

Lose 2 Pounds a Week - How to Get Rid of Unwanted Weight by This Weekend

In this article, I am going to give you 2 important tips to help you lose 2 pounds in a week. One tip involves the taking in of calories, and the other involves the expenditure of calories.
The single most important factor that will make the biggest impact on your weight is food. It determines your total caloric intake as well as how well your body repairs itself from any workout. But, this tip is not about telling you what you can and cannot eat because if you refuse to follow my suggestions because maybe you can't stand those foods, then my tip is useless.
Rather, my tip is going to emphasize how to eat and more importantly why to eat this way.
So here it is.

"Help Me Lose 2 Pounds In A Week" Tip #1: GRAZE

You know in order to lose 2 pounds a week, or any weight for that matter, your total caloric intake must be less than your caloric expenditure, right? Well here's one way this tip helps you achieve caloric deficit.
Every time your digestive system works it uses calories. So, to give you some idea here's an example: if you ate 3 balanced 400 calorie meals plus 2 snacks between those meals every 3 hours, you will burn about 400 calories a day just by eating that often.

So, to keep it simple, here's what you can do. Prepare your normal portion of a BALANCED (healthy) meal. Now cut that in half. Eat 1/2 at your normal time and the other half halfway between this meal and your next meal. Do the same thing for your next meal. Now with the last meal, divide it in 3 and just eat 2 of those portions. Save that 1/3 for another day.
You not only cut the total calories you normally take in but you also help keep your blood sugar stable when you eat this way.
Low blood sugar is one cause for food cravings and when you crave something, you will overeat...NOT good if you're trying to lose 2 pounds in a week. So grazing is one technique to help keep your blood sugar stable.
Also, eating smaller meals help you stay thin because if you overeat, your body will only utilize what is immediately necessary to sustain life. That's it. Once it uses what it needs, it will store the rest for future use. Keep eating this way and soon you will run out of storage (if you don't burn it up). Now, guess what future excess foods will be stored as? Yes, FAT! Hard to lose 2 pounds in a week if your storage is full.
This is why people tend to gain weight over the holidays. Overeating at Thanksgiving, for example, is very common and the combination of lack of activity combined with too much food intake equals weight gain. Great strategy if you want to gain 2 pounds in a week, but not lose 2 pounds in a week.
OK, remember I mentioned that you must run a caloric deficit to help you lose 2 pounds in a week? Well, if you just can't attain enough caloric deficit with tip #1, add on tip #2.

"Help Me Lose 2 Pounds In A Week" Tip #2: Do Bodyweight Exercises In The Morning

Read that again...BODYWEIGHT and MORNING.
If you really want to lose 2 pounds in a week, do bodyweight exercises, i.e. push-ups, pull-ups, dips, squats, etc. All of these get the central nervous system and stabilizer muscles involved, which equates to more calories burned and greater fat loss over time.

Because your body is primed to burn FAT after and intense bodyweight workout, do about 15 minutes of low to medium intensity cardio IMMEDIATELY after your workout. You will be burning almost all fat.
And working out in the morning not only revs up your metabolism for the day, but it ensures you get a workout in. Unexpected things always come up and before you know it, your day has ended.

You can achieve your goal to lose 2 pounds in a week if you focus on intake of calories and revving up expenditure of calories. Fact is you can shed off the unwanted pounds by the end of this week if you really wanted to. It's always up to you to make it happen.


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