Friday 2 September 2016

Healthy Food - The Way to Permanent Weight Loss

You should eat food that gives you the nutrition your body needs to stay healthy. It should not contain harmful substances that affect the body negatively. Moreover, it is important that you enjoy your food and think it is good and satisfactory. If you feel dissatisfied after a meal is a high risk that you are trying to compensate for this with sweets or other stimulants.
What food is healthy?
Here, opinions differ, and various experts are saying different things. Different people need different types of food.
Eat variety of fruits, vegetables, roots, potatoes, salad, fish, peas, beans, lentils, soya products, rice, grains, oil in small quantities, lean dairy products.
Avoid junk food and food that contains sugar or too much saturated fat, soda, alcohol, most sausage varieties, chips, sweets, pastries and white bread.
You should avoid junk food because it deceives the body. It contains far too much sugar and fat but too little of important nutrients.
Glycemic index is a measure of how quickly a food affects blood sugar. Foods with low glycemic index are generally healthier than foods with high glycemic index.
Food can create a addiction similar to the alcohol and drugs. People with such addiction problems may need to abstain from eating such food that just leads them to eating disorders.
When you decide to lose weight you need to consider what you should do. Choose a weight loss method that will help you to lose weight and stay healthy. It is easy to lose weight and easy to gain the weight again.
Weight loss does not need to be difficult and tiring. With the right products, diet and good advice we guarantee results. There are several of great weight loss method with great results.

by Jane Olsson
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