Thursday 16 November 2017

What is Reflexology?

Reflexology is an ancient and natural healing process that dates back at least 5,000 years to Egyptian and Oriental cultures. Some call it a kin to Acupuncture because specific points and target areas guide practitioners of both techniques. However, Acupuncture incorporates the use of fine needles applied to the entire body, whereas Reflexology does not use needles and concentrates on the feet. Reflexology can also be performed on the hands and ears.

The science of Reflexology considers the feet to be mini-maps of the human body, with each organ, gland, and part of the body linked to a corresponding reflex area or point in the foot. By targeting a certain area or point, Reflexology speeds relief to the corresponding part of the body.

A Reflexologist can work on different parts of the feet to facilitate healing for individual conditions, however, it is desirable to work on all areas to put the entire body into balance. Some examples of how Reflexology assists in healing, or simply alleviating specific pain or discomfort, are as follows:

Condition: Menstrual cramps Area(s) of the foot a Reflexologist would concentrate on: Ankle Top of the Foot Inner Heel

Corresponding area in the body to these points in the foot: Reproductive Organs

Condition: Back, Shoulder & Neck Tension

Area(s) of the foot a Reflexologist would concentrate on: Inside Edge of Foot

Corresponding area in the body to these points in the foot: Spine

Condition: Digestive Problems Area(s) of the foot a Reflexologist would concentrate on: Center of Arch

Corresponding area in the body to these points in the foot: Large and Small Intestines By helping the body self-regulate and balance itself, Reflexology has a unique capacity to relieve stress buildup. Beyond the specific results that have been reported-relief from migraines, constipation, colds/flu symptoms, back/neck pain, digestive problems-Reflexology creates an overall calm that seems to envelop the body, allowing the body and mind to decompress and release energy flow. As a result, the body experiences greater stamina and energy, enhanced productivity and creativity, and emotional equilibrium. Clients with chronic problems such as allergies, chemical dependencies, and weight management issues also report significant improvement.

Is Reflexology a medical treatment? No. Reflexology is not a medical treatment, nor is it a foot massage. Rather, Reflexology is a distinct system of natural healing. It is both a science that requires study, sound technique and practiced skills, and an art that must be approached with dedication and patience.

Does Reflexology hurt? It is rare that a client reports pain during a Reflexology session. Twenty-six bones, 56 ligaments, 38 muscles, and 7,000 nerves make up each foot, therefore there is a lot of territory stimulated during a session. The sensations experienced during a Reflexology session are felt in the feet, not in the corresponding organs, glands or body parts. However, it is common for a client to feel sore in various parts of his/her body 1-2 days after a session. The reason for the soreness is because toxins are released from the feet during a session and often it takes the body's own elimination system some time to flush them from the body. An open dialogue between client and therapist is encouraged so that the client gets the most out of his/her session.

Who uses Reflexology today? Reflexology is easy to learn and yet so powerful. It has grown so popular in recent years that surgeons and other medical doctors, chiropractors, podiatrists, dentist, nurses, midwives, physical therapists, occupational therapists and massage therapists use it as a complimentary modality. To illustrate how it can be used in conjunction with medical practices, imagine the following scenario: A pregnant woman has gone into labor. Although some of the pain she experiences can be treated with modern pharmaceuticals, she still suffers from pain and discomfort in her lower back and neck. In order to help relieve her neck/back pain, Reflexology is performed on her feet, specifically to the inside edges-a very non-invasive treatment to an internal problem. There are no needles and nothing needs to be exposed other than her feet. In just on hour, she feels a renewed sense of calm and her neck/back pain has subsided, allowing her to focus on the miracle of childbirth! In addition, many interested lay people choose to learn Reflexology to help reduce stress in their everyday lives, or in the lives of friends and family members.

Is Reflexology safe? Reflexology safe to practice on persons of all ages, including children and seniors, and regular sessions have been known to assist in various chronic conditions such as diabetes, cancer, addictions, terminally ill, and obesity.


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