Saturday 2 September 2017

5 Good Mood Foods

it comes to  your mood, there are certain things that can build you up or bring you down hard. Even if you are having a great day, put the wrong thing in your mouth and suddenly you could find yourself inexplicably down in the dumps. Conversely, the worst day ever can often be counterbalanced - if not entirely counteracted - by "good mood foods" which, while they may not provide the culturally-promised satisfaction that a gallon of ice cream will, will actually help you focus on resolving your problems rather than railing against them.

Here are 5 "good mood foods" that you can count on to boost your spirits and keep you more positive in general when the going gets tough:

1. Turkey

Turkey contains serotonin, which your body needs in order to avoid mood swings, unhealthy food cravings and anxiety. A turkey sandwich may  be just the thing to lighten and brighten a gray day.

2. Bananas

Bananas are high in potassium, which gives you energy and also keeps your muscles from feeling fatigued. A banana a day may do just as good a job - if not better - than an apple at keeping the doctor away. If you are stressed out and starting to feel it physically, a banana can help you counteract these effects.

3. Citrus fruits

Need a little boost in the bedroom? Citrus fruits contain vitamins and minerals that boost sperm count and improve your odds of an orgasm. People who are satisfied in the bedroom tend to operate on a more even keel outside it, so drinking a glass of pure orange juice could go a long way toward evening out your mood issues.

4. Whole grains

A moderate amount of carbohydrates in your diet can help keep your blood sugar stable. This is good because it enables you to focus and remain calm under stress. However, refined carbohydrates actually make your blood sugar less stable, so stick to whole grains to insure that you are helping the situation rather than exacerbating it.

5. Salmon

Salmon contains fatty acids called omega 3's. These essential fish oil nutrients have been proven to prevent and alleviate clinical depression among many other psychological issues. However, to get the full effects of omega 3 fatty acids (which include memory sharpness, increased focus and heart health) you would need to eat as much as two pounds of salmon a day. As a result, most people prefer to get their fishy "good mood food" in the form of a dietary supplement. Just make sure that your omega 3 supplements are made from Arctic Circle salmon to insure purity.

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