Tuesday 1 August 2017

The Dangers of Eating Pork

Pork is today one of the most widely eaten meats in the world. It is eaten throughout Europe, North and South America, Africa and many parts of Asia. Pork has become very popular because it is extremely cheap and easy to produce when compared to sheep or cattle. There are various cultures that do not eat pork, for example those who follow the Jewish or Muslim faiths. Let us put religion aside and concentrate on the facts about pork and the dangers that it contains.

Pigs are scavengers and will eat any food anywhere. This can include worms, rotting carcasses and dead insects. Worst of all, pigs eat their own waste excrement as well as that of other pigs. One can only imagine where all those toxins go. How do pigs get rid of their own toxins if they continue to eat their excrement? Did you know that pigs do not sweat; they cool themselves using water or mud. So getting rid of toxins via sweating is not an option. Surely, if pigs are unable to get rid of toxins, some of it has to be stored in their flesh. Think about that the next time you take a bite on a pork sausage.

Speaking about sausages, did you know that pork sausages are loaded with undesirable and unhealthy fat? A lot of coloring has to be used to make the meet look appetizing. Did you know that the European food safety authority recently found that the coloring used in cheap sausages can cause cancer? Most of us like crispy bacon with our eggs, right? Do you want to know why it is so tasty? The reason is the high levels of fat and salt that is contained in bacon. In fact, Bacon is one of the meats with the highest fat content. The same goes for salami; you must have noticed the marbling effect of the white fat in each slice.

Still craving for that crispy bacon? Are you still not convinced that eating pork can be dangerous? Okay, have you considered the genetic link between pigs and humans? Why would you, they are completely different species of animals to humans, right? Are we really that different? Some of you would be very disturbed to know the real truth about pigs and their genetic make-up. You may not want to think about it, but consider this, is ignorance really bliss?

We should really be a lot more careful about what you put into our bodies. Although certain foundations encourage the consumption of pork as a safe source of protein, they fail to inform us about the pitfalls. It is genuinely up to us to make up our own minds about what is good for us and what can be dangerous to health. The only way to do this, is to ensure that you improve your knowledge and understanding of the subject. Do not be confused by marketing of the pork industry. You may be shocked by what you learned, but at least you will know the truth.


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