Sunday 30 July 2017

Break Habitual Anxiety & Panic Attacks Naturally

Anxiety is a tension builds due our reaction to fear of uncertainty & fear of unknown. It is our instinctual reaction to the future threat. A person suffering from anxiety repeats in his mind (what will happen?), knowingly or unknowingly.

Anxiety may be there about Catching a train, Giving an examination, Meeting a new person, Socializing, Disease, Giving a speech, Going into Sex, Business Deal, etc. It may increase even to inability to go for a shopping, to handle the guest etc.

Anxiety actually is not wrong in itself because it is the way of to protect us from undesirable events. If a snake is passing bye near our foot and suddenly we watch it, we will jump out without giving a thought to it. Our breath will speed up & body will become tense. But this kind of anxiety is normal & is a safety device for us.

Anxiety when caused due to some seed of thought about future uncertainty, then it is pathological. It can be a creative phenomenon if we understand it properly. But generally we are lead by its affects.

If we try to relax when we are anxious, which is just not possible as our engine of though is very hot. It is like as if to put break to a car & at the same time pressing the accelerator. It can create an accident. Like wise to relax during anxiety, can lead to panic attacks.

What can be done then? If we can understand the whole process then, it will be lot easier for us to use the opportunity constructively & break the habitual pattern of anxiety in turn.


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