Sunday 12 March 2017

If You Eat Trash Then You Are Trash

You are what you eat! 

Eat cheeseburgers and fries and you will be fat. Not in the overweight sense but in the body content sense. As you get older your body doesn't need the fat anymore unless you are an athlete who is carbohydrate loading before an event. Most of us are not preparing to run a marathon. We need to be aware of the kinds of things we are ingesting. 

Kids are building their bodies on what they are eating. My six year old is growing faster than a weed. If I feed him good nutritious meals then his body will be well built for the rest of his life. If my Mother would have known that I would be stricken with Cancer in my adult life she probably would have been more cautious about the foods she fed me. I remember eating hot dogs for lunch every single day. They were quick and easy to make and tasted better than any orange or apple.

It is not too late to start eating healthy now. The human body can repair its self. It is so complex but so efficient. New skin, new hair, new stomach wall, new blood cells, and chemical balance are all normal wonderful functions of our bodies. If we give our bodies the necessary materials the body can use them to repair any damage that may have occurred or is occurring.

Starting to eat healthy will be a choice you won't regret. I recommend you jump in and go for it all of the way. Don't buy it and you wont eat it. This is my grocery store philosophy. If I don't buy hot dogs then they won't be in the house to eat. The grocery store is where you will overcome. On these pages, on this website and links to other websites you will find the information you need to shop smart.

Processed meat is the number one thing to stay away from. Hot dogs, lunch meat, and canned meat. Chicken nuggets are easy to make and taste great. When you bite into one have you noticed it's not like the meat you pull off of a chicken?


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