Wednesday 1 February 2017

More Superfoods For Your Fitness Journey

A beautifully sculpted sand castle is the color of our first superfood, oats. Oats, usually eaten as oatmeal, are rich in manganese, magnesium, zinc and fiber. The health benefits of oats include lowering blood cholesterol, stabilizing blood sugar, and lowering risk for type 2 diabetes. The high content of manganese in oats is responsible for stabilizing blood sugar while the fiber rich content of oats helps to lower blood cholesterol. Eating whole grains like oats, as opposed to eating processed carbohydrates, helps lower risk for type 2 diabetes due to the content of magnesium. The benefits of oatmeal don't end here. The high fiber content of oatmeal helps protect against breast cancer and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. One serving of oatmeal provides 24 grams of carbohydrates in only 150 calories. This provides a good amount of energy to start the day. Adding milk to a bowl of oatmeal makes it higher in protein and calcium, adding even more nutrients and flavor to an already nutrient rich food.

One of the most precious gems is the blood red ruby and it's also the color of apples. But these precious dietary gems come in a wide range of colors and flavors. Green apples, which are a bit sour to the taste and yellow apples which are sweeter. As compared with other superfoods, apples seem relatively tame. They have a very high content of fiber and Vitamin C. The more commonly known nutrients are absent from this fruit. But, there are some hidden treasures stored in apples. Phytonutrients or phytochemicals are found in abundance in apples. These phytonutrients work in synergy with vitamins, minerals and fiber to help us stay healthy. Phytonutrients stimulate the immune system, affect the hormones in good ways and act as antiviral and antibacterial agents to help us fight disease. Apples contain pectin fiber which is responsible for maintaining digestive health and acts as an appetite suppressant. Averaging around 70 calories per apple with 21 grams of carbohydrates, these portable gems give a lot of energy at a low caloric cost.

Tulips, daffodils, baby's breath, carnations, and daisies are flowers that captivate us with their beauty for their myriad of colors as do the colorful array of our next superfood, beans. Beans offer a host of health benefits from protein, B vitamins, fiber, copper, and molybdenum. Molybdenum is an essential mineral that is necessary for several processes in the body. Molybdenum works in conjunction with copper to control the movement and release of iron in the body. It also prevents some types of cancer and asthma. One serving of beans provides with 1/3 the daily recommended intake of protein, with very low amounts of fat. One study showed that eating a cup of beans daily for 6 months reduced dietary cholesterol by 10 percent. It contains more than half the amount of daily recommended intake of fiber. The song that goes, beans, beans are good for your heart, the more you eat the more you f... well, it's a small price to pay for the benefits derived from eating beans.

In your mind's eye, picture the earth and it's fertile soil and you'll have the color of our next superfood, walnuts. These little brown orbs are filled with Omega-3 fatty acids, derived from Alpha Linolenic Acid, and Omega-6, from Linoleic Acid. Essential Fatty Acids are responsible for a wide array of health benefits. They help hair grow faster and reduce body inflammation, lower arthritis risk, fight depression, heart disease and some types of cancers. Only a quarter cup of walnuts, containing 160 calories provides us with 95 percent of the recommended daily allowance of Omega-3 fatty acids and 67 percent of Omega-6 fatty acids. Add to that high levels of manganese and copper and you have a darned powerful combination of nutrients in a meager amount of calories.

These are just a few of the foods that provide us with lots of nutrients and low calories. We could add sardines, yogurt and kefir, strawberries, barley, the list is long. We simply have to make the right choice most days. Ask yourself, will I continue to have fast foods every day for lunch or dinner or will I have superfoods for lunch and dinner and lower my risk for cancer, improve my hair and skin, increase my energy levels and lose weight? Superman is a fictional character that is the epitome of goodness, helping people whenever he could. Let the goodness contained in superfoods help you every day of your life.


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