Sunday 4 September 2016

Water - What Are The Benefits Of Drinking Water

We know we should but how much water should I drink? One cup every hour? 8 cups a day? What are the benefits of drinking water? How about this one – 8 glasses of water before breakfast! Heard that one?
Water comes in many shapes and sizes. There's tap water, bottled water, filtered water, rain water, distilled water to name a few.
Most of you drink bottled water if at all or the odd glass of tap water. Of all the choices distilled and filtered are the best. You may say "I drink lots of liquids every day - tea, coffee, soft drinks and sodas so I must be getting my daily intake of water." Well these are not water. Somewhere along the production line the water got transformed into - tea, coffee, soft drinks, sodas etc they are not water! And they definitely contain substances that are not good for your health.

Well, there are certain things to know about water that will help you make educated decisions about it – how much to drink; what water to drink; its benefits etc. In my research into this subject I’ve discovered some very interesting facts.
Your body is about 70% water. You probably know this but look further – that’s your muscles and brain are 75% water, your blood and lungs are more than 80& water and even your bones are 25% water. So if your liquid intake consists of tea, coffee, soft drinks and sodas, then your body’s water is polluted.
Feeling tired all the time? Chronic fatigue? Cravings? Excessive hunger? Depressed? These are some of the symptoms of DEHYDRATION.

Next to know is that your water should be alkaline, that’s above 7 on the Ph scale. Having a high acid intake of liquids and food will lead to weight problems and disease.

Water is definitely essential in maintaining health. If you have any of the above symptoms then you may be dehydrated. Water effects your body at a cellular level.

Article Source:
by Paul Graham

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