Sunday 28 August 2016

The Best Protein Sources

Every single diet which is considered healthy and balanced has to contain proteins. Normally, we get all the necessary proteins from food, and we need them for the health and development of our muscles. We also need them for weight loss. In this article, we are going to discuss more about the best protein sources.
We have two different types of proteins: complete and incomplete. The first type, complete proteins, includes the essential amino acids. Complete proteins are usually found in foods like eggs, meat, poultry, fish, milk and dairy products. Of these all, eggs contain the largest amount of proteins. Besides the proteins of animal origin, complete proteins can be found in plans like, soybeans. The other type, incomplete proteins, includes a small selection of some essential amino acids. These proteins are generally found in plant foods, vegetables, seeds and nuts, grains, etc.
Below we will describe some of the best protein sources today.
One of the best protein sources is seafood. It doesn't contain too much fat. Also, fish like salmon, is in the group of fatty fish because of the high amount of fat it contains. However, it is known for its concentration of essential omega-3 fatty acids. As you may already know these acids are extremely beneficial for our heart.
Another great source of proteins is dairy products. Milk, cheese, yoghurt, cream are loaded with proteins and some important vitamins and minerals. Their function in the prevention of bone-related diseases, like osteoporosis, and the health of our teeth is undeniable. If you are planning to lose some weight, you can always choose low-fat or skim milk.
We have already mentioned that eggs are a great source of proteins, especially complete proteins. One egg a day is usually recommended for adults.
Meat is also full of proteins. We especially recommend consuming white poultry meat because of the lean proteins it contains.
If you are a vegetarian, you can easily obtain the necessary proteins from beans. At the same time, they are full of fibers. We would like to highlight the value of soybeans. They contain complete proteins and more than six essential amino acids. In this group, we would like to include legumes and nuts since they are very rich in proteins.
If you include all these foods into your diet, you have all the chances to enjoy a healthy and balanced diet. This is very important for proper growth and development and proper functioning of our body.

Source:  by John M Dotox

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